MDS - Webinars

The Ten Most Confusing MDS Coding Questions

May 24, 2024

This webinar will help participants understand the correct coding for each of the 10 identified most confusing MDS questions.

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Section Q. Goal Setting and Discharge Planning

March 31, 2024

This webinar focuses on the proper assessment and planning of residents’ goals for discharge as part of Section Q of the MDS.

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iQIES Reports

February 23, 2024

This webinar will show participants where the most used reports in the new iQIES system are located, and will explain how to read and use the the data in the reports.

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Nutrition: Swallowing Problems, Weight Loss, Diets, IV Fluids, Feeding Tubes

December 22, 2023

This webinar will focus on important clinical items related to MDS Section K, Nutrition to ensure accurate reporting, care plans and payment.

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Resident Interviews Updated for October 2023

November 13, 2023

This webinar will cover in detail the important changes as of September 5, 2023 regarding the revised instructions for each of the resident interviews that go into effect October 1, 2023.

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Social Determinants of Health and New MDS Items

September 29, 2023

This presentation will address the 6 new Social Determinants of Health plus one non-SDOH new item CMS has added to MDS 3.0.

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Section N. Medications, Indications for Use, GDR, and Drug Regimen Review

July 28, 2023

This presentation will cover the coding instructions and SNF QRP measure qualifications related to the MDS requirements beginning 10/1/2023 for coding of indications for use of each medication type.

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Special Situations: Interrupted Stays, MDS Corrections and Inactivations

January 27, 2023

This webinar walks through the entire process for MDS error identification and correction as well as billing related to the errors.

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