Health Claims Assurance

We don’t have to tell you that the scrutiny of the healthcare industry in today’s society is daunting. Across a multitude of medical professions, health plans and networks, the need for an independent assessment of a company’s health claims billing, processing and payment systems is growing in importance. And our practice continues to grow with it.

Compliance driven engagements are stringent. Regulations often govern how to test the claims billing, processing, or payment systems and determine the reporting format to the proper governmental or regulatory agencies. The experienced staff of Hansen Hunter offers a unique advantage to meet these requirements.

Agreed upon procedure engagements for internal purposes offer more flexibility. The client sets the scope of examination. For example, such parameters may include determining the sample size, setting the threshold for error rates, or identifying the direction of focus for testing (for example, types of claims or contracts). Client discretion also determines the format of the report.

Please contact Jeff Moore or call our office at 503.244.2134 for more information.

Health Claims Assurance Service Compliance Regulation Billing Hansen Hunter

We tailor all engagements to be client specific with the goal of meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations.