Medicare Reimbursement

Hansen Hunter knows the federal Medicare system. We serve Medicare providers throughout the U.S. We assist our clients in obtaining the maximum Medicare reimbursement to which they are entitled within the laws and regulations of the federal Medicare system by staying current on regulations and statutes. We maintain a good working relationship with the intermediaries, offering clinical and compliance consulting from in-house RNs to achieve desirable changes in the Medicare reimbursement system.

Medicare Reimbursement services we provide:

  • Cost report preparation
  • Maintenance of on-going, statistical data bases
  • Analysis of costs (variable and full) versus RUG rates
  • Financial projections related to blended versus federal rates
  • Financial projections related to the proposed revision to the RUG system
  • Clinical and compliance consulting from in-house RNs
  • Review of audit adjustments
  • Review of rates and settlement calculations
  • Appeals of audits, rates and settlements
  • Representing and providing documentation for client negotiations with HMO’s and vendors
  • Presentation of reimbursement seminars through the nursing home associations

For more information, please contact either Raymond Whitlow at our Hansen Hunter office: 503.244.2134, DeDe Nichols at our Synergy office: 478.200.0301, or Eddie Uppal or call our our Axiom office at 818.456.0940.

Medicare Reimbursement Service Synergy Axiom Hansen Hunter

Our reimbursement specialties are focused on creating a streamlined, sustainable process that results in predictable cash flows.